ValidisFinancial Sector

Validis helps the world’s leading institutions service small business clients. Their software connects directly to their client’s financial application and extracts and encrypts their entire financial history in just minutes. This minimizes the back and forth request for information process with the client and provides significant time savings.


Deconstruct, modernise and build a 10-year-old product in 9 months. Facilitate product lifecycle management in the absence of a product team.

Provide appropriate level of technical architecture and documentation. Lead technical due diligence for business investment. Use technology to increase testing capabilities.

Ensure technology best practices are embedded in the organisation.

Code Factory conducted a comprehensive analysis of technology requirements. Agreement on architectural and design approaches.

Code Factory defined the communication model, project stakeholders, and responsibilities. Align internal and external development processes.

Conduct onsite knowledge transfer and continuous evaluation and refining of the process and teams.

Architecture and technical specifications created in conjunction with Code Factory. Programmer milestones were outlined and signed off by Validis before launch with the programme split into two phases.

Code Factory created support infrastructure and processes to facilitate development. Regular Programme Steering Committee initiated by our partner to ensure Validis SMT informed of progress.

Kanban and Scrum used based on teams and deliverables.

Product successfully signed off by Validis.


We don’t believe in fitting a technology to fix a problem, we believe in finding a digital solution for you, whatever technology it takes. Ready to chat? Get in touch

Ready to engage into the future? We help you launch!